My first run since last time was Saturday, February 21, when the plan was to do 6 easy on the treadmill. I did it, but my tib. anteriors were still crampy and it hurt to run as slow as 6.3 mph. Maybe that's an in-between speed where my form and foot strike are weird. I took two breaks to stretch and ran a couple of faster bursts which felt better form-wise.
Mileage update: 13.27 for the week ending 2/22, 47.14 for the month and 96.26 YTD.
Monday, Feb. 23: 4.0 in 42:15, running at up to 6.5 mph, some at 7.0 mph.
Wednesday, Feb. 25: 5x800's totaling 5.0 miles. I ran the 800's at 8 mph (7:30 pace) which is my target pace for Yasso 800's. This season I am trying not to do the speed work faster than the target paces - maybe that will keep me from getting hurt.
Saturday, Feb. 28: Johnson City 10K route in 57:20 (8:57 avg. pace). This was longer than my target distance for the day, but I had to run a couple extra for my friend and coworker whose wife is in the hospital. Run plus cool-down totaled 7.0 miles. Everything felt just fine on the run and it turns out this is a good sub-4:00 marathon pace.
Today: 2.5 easy walk/run/jog on the treadmill as recovery. Almost everything felt OK, but I admit I was probably still mildly hangover-dehydrated. Later, I now have some deep hamstring soreness and my left tib. anterior is sore and tight. I think the tib. anterior stuff is going to work itself out as long as I take it slow and easy.
Mileage update: week - 18.5, February 63.14, March to date 2.5, YTD 114.76. This is behind last year by about 90 miles, but I am fine with that. I think the early hard miles actually hurt me by June and I was too burned out and injured to do the marathon training then.
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