Sunday, May 18, 2008

Weakly Recapped

That's what the past couple of weeks have felt like - weak! Thanks to the tendinitis flare-up. On Friday, the foot doctor didn't do much but give me a little lower extremity anatomy lesson and refer me to physical therapy again. You know what they say - third time's the charm! The Dr. said that the pain I'm getting about 4 inches above my left ankle, medially, behind the tibia, is where the flexor hallucis longus muscle above joins the tendon below.

Friday I did 3.0 easy miles on the treadmill, followed by some ice and complaining. The 12 miles for this week is nothing even close to the planned 37 and I'm beginning to worry about losing fitness. The Birthday Challenge is currently out of the question especially since it's right before my wife's 6/3 surgery, and I'd like to be able to walk that week.

Weekly total: 12, 39.26 May to date, 432.81 YTD. 20 weeks to Wineglass Marathon.

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